Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Daily Reading: June 20, 2012

Today's best from around the web. [The awesome graphic, courtesy The Atlantic is from today's "must read." Click to enlarge. ]

If you read anything today, read this:

This brief economic history of the world, from The Atlantic, is bursting at the seams with great graphs. 

Read these too:

Mulligan (NYT Economix) on Microsoft's fickle monopoly

Coates has a two part piece (here's one, here's two) on racism in modern conservatism. Sensitive topic, I know, but Coates is one of the best, most nuanced writers on race out there today. 

Nate Silver runs through possible electoral effects of Obama's big immigration move. 

Suzy Khimm on Olympia Snowe's pre-retirement effort to address filibuster abuse. Good for you Senator Snowe. But to get any traction on filibuster reform we'll need someone with, you know, actual power to take up the cause . 

Ezra Klein: the GOP has a history of moderation when it comes to the federal welfare state. Or at least a history of "motivated reasoning." 

Apparently a lot of the stuff wine snobs throw around is...made up. I'll let honorary Divine Perspective trustee George Costanza handle this one: 

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